In my last tip, I outlined the belief system that needs to be the fundamental underpinnings of a political platform. Instead of racing to develop policy (as liberals love to do), let's practice some good ol' fashioned diligence and first create a set of guiding principles that will inform future policy decisions:
Guiding Principles Drawn from Beliefs
We Believe America is the Best Place for All Americans to Live, Grow, and Prosper
- America is a better country when all Americans are better off tomorrow than they are today.
- Americans prosper when they have good jobs, good friends, a loving family, and can afford to enjoy themselves.
We Represent Keeping America Beautiful
- Our children deserve a country that is beautiful no matter where they live, visit, or play: our land, our seas, our cities, our plains, our hills, our valleys.
We Represent Keeping America Free
- Religious freedom and freedom of religion
- Americans are free to chose their own individual paths in life
- Freedom to enjoy life as long as it's within the laws we've set for conduct
We Represent Fairness to our Neighbor
- The next door neighbor
- The next town over
- The next city over
- The next country over
- The next civilization over
- No matter what their beliefs, it's our duty to be fair
We Represent Real Democratic Leadership
- Take the lead in human rights and democratic values
- Stay aware of the world, so we can continue to lead
- Invest in innovation, so Americans can continue to lead the world
- Continue America's rich history of world-class innovation
- From Coal & Steel, to Ford, to Coke, to Finance, to Internet, to Beyond!
- Continue America's rich history of world-class innovation
We Represent Safety and Security
- A 3-tiered Safety and Security Principle:
- National Defense : Enhance military to handle insurgency wars
- Local Policing/Safety: Enhance local police to handle domestic insurgencies (ie., gangs)
- Health & Wellness: Enhance healthcare to protect Americans' physical safety
- National Defense : Enhance military to handle insurgency wars
We Represent Americans Working Together
- We Americans have more common ground than differences
- When we unite in our common ground, we ensure success for our future!
- When we focus on our differences, we waste our time and energy
In future tips, we will drill into these principles, and explain how these will not only create a spiritual gravity that attracts voters all over America, but will also help infuse some much-needed confidence, which will then reassert itself as an attractive force. It will be the positive feedback loop required to take control of the national dialog.