"Our Karl Rove is the blog you should be glad that Democratic strategists don't seem to listen to"
-- what they're saying on Republican blogs

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Branding Republicans


Usually, I spend my spare time worrying about how you brand yourselves. And, why shouldn't I? Your brand stinks. When people think "Democrat," they think of Michael Moore, Jesse Jackson, Howard Dean, and John Kerry. In other words, propagandists, opportunists, heretics, and flip-floppers, in that order.

But, as Republicans have learned through experience, it's easier to re-brand your foe than yourself in politics. And, what better time to start some baseline Republican re-branding just before the races heat up for the 2006 congressional elections? Let's keep it simple and give the public a bunch of easy one-liners to digest for the first 3 months. Once this base branding has been applied, we can flesh out the popular one-liners and expand in greater detail.

So, let the branding begin:

Republicans -- they spend our savings and tax your children
Republicans -- they think they know foreign policy... but do you
                               think it's working?
Republicans -- they'll bug your phone and track your web
                               searches... feel safe now?
Republicans -- they're not Big Government... they're Huge,
                               Corrupt, In Your Face Government
Republicans -- if they're pro-life, why are they pro-death penalty?
Republicans -- if they're so good at war, why are our troops dying                                every week?
Republicans -- bringing America down, one blunder at a time
Republicans -- the party that was determined to keep Terri
                               Schiavo alive
Republicans -- we gave them all the control, and look what they                                did with it
Republicans -- just when you thought that one party was good
                               enough for America
Republicans -- they need Democrats to keep them in line
Republicans -- over 5,000 American dead on their watch... and
Republicans -- they're sure they're right, even when they're dead
Republicans -- five years in control, and there is still no oil-free
                               energy plan?
Republicans -- my tax cut was nice, but it's all going to heat my
                               home and fill up my car
Republicans -- sponsored in part by Abramoff, the corrupt
Republicans -- absolute power corrupts absolutely
Republicans -- the party of self destruction in search of weapons of                                mass destruction

Take your pick, mash'em up, or come up with your own. I don't care. But start "beta testing" some one-liners and see what sticks. There is so much crap going on under Republican watch that it's just a matter of coordinated effort to find out what message is going to "click."

Go to it.


Anonymous said...

I wrote something along these lines at my blog back in November; the address is http://amento.typepad.com/thieves/2005/11/help_for_the_20.html.

If you have time, give it a look and tell me what you think.

Anonymous said...

This site is pathetic. You actually advertise for this crap? Are you nuts? I'm a true-blue liberal and I think you need to work on your stuff before you post it here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips on what to say about Republicans. They are all true. Pretty mild and lame, but true.

Isn't it amazing how all Republicans seem to look like Karl Rove -- porcine, bald, ugly old white men.

Anonymous said...

I am an independent and your rhetoric is just as bad as the republicans.

I voted Clinton first terms...Bush the last two as at least the man HAS an opinion and sticks to it unlike the democrats who change as the political wind blows.

I wish we had a third choice...sigh

Jon a.k.a. "Our Karl Rove" said...

> Anonymous said...
> This site is pathetic. You
> actually advertise for this
> crap? Are you nuts? I'm a true-
> blue liberal and I think you
> need to work on your stuff
> before you post it here.

Thanks for the feedback. It's actually good to know that "true blue" liberals are just fine using the same rhetoric they used 30 years ago in a very different world. Not being able to adapt to the times... sounds more conservative to me than liberal.

> 10:56 PM
> Anonymous said...
> I am an independent and your
> rhetoric is just as bad as the
> republicans.

> I voted Clinton first
> terms...Bush the last two as at
> least the man HAS an opinion and
> sticks to it unlike the
> democrats who change as the
> political wind blows.

>I wish we had a third choice...sigh

The rhetoric on OKR is just as bad as the rhetoric that got incompetent boobs elected in 2004? Thanks for the kudos!

Democrats have opinions too, but until they start listening to this site's advice, people like you will never believe they have principles and values, too.

Anonymous said...

So this is what we've come to. Right and left wingers making stupid hateful and small minded propaganda against each other over how spoiled and insensitive we have become. I'm sure these tactics will help us win the cultural war with the Islamic lunatics that are attacking us and the rest of the civilized world. This crap must make good reading for the looneys in Venezuela and Iran. I don't agree with everything that the GOP or the Democrats do, but I don't lose track of the fact that they are my neighbors. If you think the president is wrong try coming up with a reasonable plan, like Sen Joe Biden has done. If you want to vote for Democrats, please do so. Likewise, if your conscience tells you to vote for Republicans go ahead. Both of our parties are better than anything you would find in France! Bring the debate back up to a reasonable level and don't forget your first allegience should be to your country.